Our favorite spots in Norcal
So, as I've seen on the Weather Channel (exactly where it belongs) mother nature has not been good to the midwest or northeast over the last week or so. As we develop spring fever and get ready to shop for central air conditioning again, family and friends are getting the winter coats, gloves and scarves back out. Again - that weather belongs on the weather channel as far as I'm concerned.
Looking for a nice vacation? Check out some of our favorite spots in NorCal. Have lunch or dinner at a top floor restaurant with a great view of San Francisco. Drive an hour into Napa and live Tuscan style at Villagio for a weekend (with a wine happy hour - and we're not talking low end, or even medium level wines). Have dinner at the Bistro Jeanty or Bouchon. Excellent mussels, steaks, sea bass, and of course a very, very impressive wine list. Prepare to splurge though (why not - everyone works their butt off 50+ hours a week only to go home to cut grass, shovel snow, parent an infant, put in new tiling, do dishes, make dinner etc, etc). Spend the couple hundred once a year or so and treat yourselves.
Stop by and visit Jeremy and the family. Drink from my own personal cellar (I save good bottlings just for that occasion - Sean, Gerry and Deb - prepare for a high end 5 wine tasting in a few weeks including a 1996 Zin I've been saving). Have a cookout - I love grilling.
Let us know. We love family and friends as guests!
